Huiswerk 1.1
Be creative
Sometimes language surprises you. Some things don't make sense at all, other things are easier than you had imagined. Use what you have and create new words!

- 📖 Lees de introductietekst. (pagina 18)
Read the introduction text. (page 18)

- ✏️ Schrijf de groene woorden op papier. (pagina 18)
Write down the green words on paper. (page 18). -
🤓 Studeer de woorden met Quizlet.
Study the words with Quizlet.
*You can find the translation of all vocabulary at the end of the chapter (page 44+45). It's recommended to write down the words with pen and paper. You could hang the sheet of paper somewhere in the house, so you can practice the words during the day.
Also, you can download the Quizlet app on your phone and study the vocabulary daily. Here is the link to the set:

✏️ Maak opdracht 1. (pagina 19)
Complete exercise 1. (page 19) - ✏️ Maak opdracht 2. (pagina 19+20)
Complete exercise 2. (page 19+20)
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